Golf Sponsor Golf Sponsor What we do with your sponsorship The Trenton-Dade Optimist Club is seeking your assistance with our fund-raising event. A donation from your store or business will help make our golf tournament a success for the youth of Dade County. Our local Optimist Club is affiliated with Optimist International, an organization that devotes the time and efforts of thousands of volunteers each year by sponsoring local youth activities and scholarship awards presented to deserving graduates. Our Club motto is “Friend of Youth.” The Trenton-Dade Optimist Club presents and supports the following programs to youth in Dade County: * Boy Scouts of America Adult Literacy * Dade County 4-H Childhood Cancer Fund * Dade County High School FCCLA & HOSA * Children’s Day Event (Free checkups) * Tech Town Scholarships Children’s Advocacy Center * Tri-Star Sports (Football, Basketball & Baseball) * Four Points * Adopt-A-Mile (trash pick-up along Main Street) * Hope for the Holidays (Sheriff’s Office) * Essay Contest * Leadership Table – Inspire Weekend * Food Baskets for local families in need * Events STAR Student/Teacher Award * Junior Optimist Youth Club at Dade Middle School * Tri-State Food Pantry * School Oratorical Contest Dade County High School CTAE, FBLA, FFA) * Partner in Education Dade & Davis Elementary Read-A-Thon * Law Enforcement Appreciation * Weekend Junior Word of Golf * Three $1000 Scholarships for Dade High School Graduates * Citizen of the Quarter These are just a few of the many programs that our Club sponsors each year. We encourage you to partner with our Club, and we kindly ask for a financial donation, gift certificate, or door prize from your respective business. We truly appreciate anything you could donate to help us reach our fund-raising goal. Name * Name First First Last Last Company Name Phone * Email * Confirm Email * Sponsor Benefits Eagle Sponsors includes signage and two foursomes. Executive Sponsor includes signage and one foursome. Par Excellence includes large sign on hole and tent. Birdie Sponsor includes small sign on course. Pick how to pay * Check Credit or Debit Card Mail checks to TrentonDade Optimist Club, PO Box 1121, Trenton GA 30752. Credit and Debit cards have a 3.5% plus 15 cent transaction fee. Sponsor Levels – Choose One * Eagle Sponsor Executive Sponsor Par Excellence Birdie Sponsor Provide a door prize or gift certificate Describe door prize or gift certificate please If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit